Friday 24 June 2016

Twins – from nearly being aborted to priests

Paolo and Felipe Lizama on their day of Ordination
An extraordinary story of Paolo and Felipe Lizama comes to us from Chile. Their mother Rosa was told during their pregnancy that she should abort her baby. because of severe deformity that doctors saw during an ultra-sound. They told her that her baby had two heads, three arms and conjoined legs. She responded by saying  “I take from God whatever he sends to me.” Obviously at that time, she did not know she was carrying twins.
On September 10, 1984 Felipe was born first, and then the doctors wanted to clean the womb from any other fragments left, but Rosa insisted that she felt like another baby was coming out. Sure enough, 17 minutes after Felipe, Paolo was born, as healthy as his brother. Paolo said that he would have been born severely deformed, if the doctors followed through with they had planned to do in the first place. Incidentally Paolo and Felipe learned about this incredible story from their mother while they were in their sixth year in the Seminary, just before they were ordained priests together. 
What an incredible story of tragedy-turned-triumphant! What a story of hope for pro-life! The twins were ordained priests on April 28, 2012, and celebrated their first Mass at Our Lady of Mercies in Lagunillas. Presently, Fr. Felipe serves at the parish of Saint Martin of Tours in Quillota, and Fr. Paulo serves at the parish of the Assumption of Mary in Achupallas.

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