Wednesday 29 June 2016

8 Ordinations

A happy day for vocations in Malta as on the feast of St Peter and Paul, yesterday 8 young men were ordained to the priesthood and religious life. 6 of them are Diocesan priests, while one is a Salesian, and the other is a Conventual Franciscan Friar. The elderly population among Maltese priests is growing, but still many of them are active in parishes, and there is always need for more, even though vocations in Malta have been fairly steady over the years.  When I came here 2 and a half months ago, I did not expect to get so busy so soon. Yesterday I celebrated 3 Masses, and on average three times a week, I do two Masses a day, helping neighboring parishes and priests friends, whenever they call on me. To these 8 new shepherds, I join my fellow priests in saying: Ad Multos Annos. That is a customary greeting for a priest, also on his anniversary, meaning literally ‘To many years.’

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