Tuesday 7 June 2016

Ground Squirrels for sale

Yesterday I spoke about the wild animals in Malta. Well, a few years ago, on one of my visits to Malta, I came across an incredible scene, which would fascinate and anger many Eastern Oregonians especially. At a pet store, I came across some caged sage rats or ground squirrels, the ones farmers and ranchers  in Eastern Oregon shoot as they are terrible pests. Well, I have news for you. I found these in a pet shop and were on sale for $180 Euros each (approximately $160). 
So instead of shooting them, bring them over to Malta and make some good easy money. As I looked at them in the cage, people were admiring them “Oh how cute, how adorable...!” I could not resist saying to them “You have no idea what kind of pests they are, as they cause so much damage in the fields. Farmers shoot them all the time...”  “Oh how cruel!” came a chorus of responses. I walked away after taking these photos, shaking my head in disbelief. 

1 comment:

  1. Carmen Johnson18 June 2016 at 07:56

    At least it wasn't a rock chuck!
