Wednesday 10 November 2021

Saving our world

Sunrise at Yachats, on the Oregon coast.

As COP26 winds down with hopes and dreams, let me share with you some suggestions on how to save our world, these are all taken from Pope Francis encyclical Laudato Si:

Do not remain indifferent by saying we cant do anything to save our planet.

Use less stuff, recycle often, and use things efficiently.

Use clean energy, and avoid fossil fuels.

Promote houses that are ecologically safe.

Protect drinking water, which is not accessible to everyone.

Keep seas, rivers and lakes clean of plastic and other damaging substances.

Avoid pesticides that harm insects and bees.

Species that emigrate should find biological corridors accessible for them to move.

 Let us protect biodiversity, especially for forests and coastal zones.

Build liveable communities, spacious, green and conducive to togetherness.

Avoid isolation that social media can create, but communicate with others often.

Action rather than hollow words. Walk the walk not just talk the talk!

World problems are not caused by an increase in population, but by excessive waste and consumerism.

Be reasonable with air-conditioning – and be patient with excessive sweat and heat.

Random acts of kindness create loving communities and families.

Appreciate nature – take a walk in the countryside – its God free gift to us.

Let us protect unborn babies, as well as animals nearing extinction.

Use technology to serve others, and decrease suffering, and instil a sense of dignity.

Go slow in life, and appreciate the pace of nature to recover lost virtues and values.

Protect indigenous cultures, natives and tribes that have been here before us.

Wild Lupines at Halfway, Eastern Oregon.

Accept the body that God gave you, and take good care of it.

Challenge your politicians to respect what the majority is saying to save our earth.

Use less. Be careful what to buy and what to eat.

Plant a tree. Car-pool whenever you can. Wear a sweater instead of turning on the heat.

Parents, teach your children not to waste, to say Thank You often, to learn to control their anger and ask for forgiveness.

Appreciate the simple things in life: art, music, culture, prayer, meditation and silence.

Parents, teach your children to say Grace before meals and to love their enemies.

Go to church on Sundays. Receive the sacraments. Rest on Sundays. Sing while you work. Pray often.

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