Saturday 19 September 2020

Our Lady of the Milk

In Bethlehem there is a shrine known as the Milk Grotto, where thousands upon thousands of conceptions and births were a direct answer to prayers offered there. Now, it’s interesting to note that in Florida, there is a pilgrimage site known as the Shrine of Our Lady of the Milk, (La Leche) in the historic city of St. Augustine. Because of the singular graces associated with the La Leche shrine, flooded with requests, by email or message, people from all over the world request prayers for family members, co-workers, and friends or for themselves. Stories abound from the Grotto in the Holy Land, and the shrine in St. Augustine, about children born to parents who had struggled for years to conceive or had been told there was no hope. Why do Mary’s prayers facilitate such a grace for couples? Perhaps Mary’s life provides the answer.

According to some traditions, Mary’s parents Joachim and Anne were themselves struggling to conceive. They turned to God in prayer, and in time, that prayer was answered by Mary’s nativity. Not only did God hear their prayer, but he also did something even more extraordinary: God chose to preserve her, from the very first moments of her existence, from original sin. In her conception, she was immaculate. Many couples make the pilgrimage to the grotto, or the shrine, and earnestly pray, but yet do not conceive. The reality is that God answers prayer, but sometimes differently, and perhaps some are given the grace to become open to adoption, or to foster-parenthood, or something else. While praying at the shrine, couples can experience a sense of Mary’s consoling and comforting love for them.

The new chapel of Our Lady of the Milk in St. Augustine, Florida.
Novena Prayer to Our Lady of La Leche

Lovely Lady of La Leche, most loving Mother of Jesus, and my mother, listen to my humble prayer.  Your motherly heart knows my every wish, my every need. To you only, His spotless Virgin Mother, has your Divine Son given to understand the sentiments which fill my soul. Yours was the sacred privilege of being the Mother of the Savior. Intercede with him now, my loving mother, that in accordance with his will (your request here). This I ask, O Lady of the Milk, in the name of your Divine Son, my Lord, and Savior. Amen. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us.

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