Friday, 28 February 2025

Charlie Chaplin’s words of wisdom

These are some interesting quotes attributed to the comedian Charlie Chaplin who died at the age of 88 on Christmas Day in 1977.

Whatever is of this world, everything will pass, even our problems.

I like to walk in the rain – this way no one will notice the tears coming from my eyes.

A day that is completely lost is a day when we don’t share a smile or a happy joke.

The best 6 doctors in our world are: the sun, rest, exercise, diet, respect towards others and respect towards yourself. Remain faithful to these 6 doctors and your life will be longer with them than without them.

If you see the moon, you see God’s beauty. If you see the sun, you see God’s strength.

If you look at the mirror, you will see God’s most beautiful creation. Believe in who you see.

We re all tourists. God is the travel agent, and our life is the voyage.

God already planned our voyage – He booked our residence and and prepared  our eventual destination. Trust Him and you will have a pleasant life.

So live every day as best as your can, because tomorrow may never come.

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