Saturday, 1 March 2025

Carnival time

Today I just share with you some photos from the Carnival being held in Malta this weekend, just before the beginning of Lent. Plenty of floats parade through the streets of the capital city in Valletta, as young revellers dance in their elaborate costumes, in competition to win the prize for the best group. The floats have various moveable parts, along with loud music. You may recognize some of the characters shown here, as they are presented in paper-mache sculptures, which are usually destroyed after the Carnival weekend is over. Some of the mechanisms are kept and another float will be built next year. 

A typical float based on 'Sister Act'

A few families are very dedicated to present colorful floats, which are their pride and joy. The costumes are also meticulously designed, are pretty heavy, but are worn with pride, and since it's colder in February, they don't mind the extra baggage they have to carry.

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