Thursday, 27 February 2025

St Gregory of Narek

This new saint has been introduced to the liturgical calendar 2 years ago, but he was quoted often by Pope St John Paul II. I was curious to search for his writings, among them the Book of Lamentations (of course not the Old Testament book,) 95 chapters of beautiful, meaningful and well-constructed prayers by St Gregory of Narek, an Armenian saint born in 945 AD. You will find them all in the link at the end of this post, but I share with you just one chapter, just part of chapter 3, a list of attributes to God almighty, to whom all these prayers are addressed. It’s a long, long sentence, but please, do meditate on these phrases....

Lord, my Lord, grantor of gifts, root of goodness, ruler of all equally, creator of all from nothing, glorified, awesome, awe inspiring, beyond understanding, dreadful, mighty, stern, unbearable, unapproachable, incomprehensible, inconceivable, ineffable, invisible, unexaminable,  untouchable, unsearchable, without beginning, outside of time, unclouded knowledge, bold vision, true being, exalted and humble, blessed existence, shadowless dawn, ray shining upon all, light professing to all, unwavering assurance, undisturbable calm, indelible seal, infinite image, witnessed name, taste of sweetness, cup of bliss, soul-nourishing bread, love in dark exile, unambiguous promise, covering most desirable, garment most protective, cloak most worthy, ornament most glorious, great help, trustworthy refuge, undiminishing grace, inexhaustible treasure, pure rain, glittering dew, universal cure, free healing, health restored, sublime spur, undeceiving call, good news for all, king who lifts up the slave, defender who loves the poor, giver of endless wealth, safe harbor, unyielding command, hope without bounds, long in vision, unsparing in generosity, just right hand that dispenses to all, impartial eye, voice of comfort, consoling tidings, harbinger of bliss, living name, finger of foresight, unstumbling start, sincere course, life-giving will, candid advice, unenvying honor, broad possibility, narrow restriction, track without trace, path without markers, image indescribable, quantity immeasurable, model inimitable, unparalleled compassion, inexhaustible mercy, humility celebrated, kiss of salvation. 

And more than these worthy epithets, dedicated to your Godliness, you who are blessed, praised, lauded, preached, evangelized, proclaimed, exalted, recounted, sought with unflagging desire, whatever your streams of sweetness bring us, shall be illustrated in these image-filled psalms, showing you joyful in my salvation, blessed Lord.

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