Saturday 21 May 2016

Holy Trinity

Esteban Murillo - The Holy Trinity
On this feast of the Holy Trinity, may I suggest a practical prayer that we can all do every night so that the Holy Trinity may become an important part of our lives. So, as an examination of conscience, every night before you get to bed, take 3 minutes or even one minute divided into 20 seconds. In the first minute, think of a positive event that happened to you during the day, maybe a good news you received, a good deed you accomplished, and thank God the Father for it. In the second minute, think of a negative thing that you experienced, maybe a conflict, an argument or quarrel with someone else, and ask God the Son, Jesus, to forgive you for it. Then during the last minute, think of something you have to do tomorrow, maybe an important decision you have to make, talking to another person on an important issue, and talk to God the Holy Spirit while asking for guidance and inspiration. Simple, yet an effective way to feel connected with the Trinity. 
And may we never be embarrassed to make the sign of the cross, the sign of every Christian. Please notice a different perspective of the Trinity in the painting by Murillo, seeing Jesus as a toddler, and also with Mary, Anne and John the Baptist, besides God and the Holy Spirit.


  1. Thank you Father Julian for your blog. Sometimes it is just what I need to see and hear. God bless.

  2. Thank you Father Julian for your blog. Sometimes it is just what I need to see and hear. God bless.

  3. Thank you for this prayer. It opened my eyes to another way to connect with God.
