Monday 2 November 2020

Our Loved Ones

The commemoration of All Souls is being observed today around the world, as people visit cemeteries to pay respect to their loved ones, place some flowers, light a candle, and say a prayer. There is a beautiful analogy of death which puts into perspective our departure from this earth. Imagine a large ship with sails leaving port, and as it sails away from you, you see it drifting away from you, getting smaller and smaller, until it appears like a tiny dot on the horizon. Then we say ‘There, – it’s gone!’ But gone only from our limited perspective, because on the other side of the horizon there is a group of people at another harbor waiting for her to arrive, and they see her as a tiny dot at first, then getting bigger and bigger, with its massive sails triumphantly in the wind. And as it reaches its destination, the people there greet her happily and rejoice in the reunion. Our death is similar to that ocean scene. Those whom we lose are gone only from our midst, but there are a great number of other people who will greet them into heaven and rejoice in their re-union with a big celebration. Our ancestors will joyfully welcome them to their new home with Jesus, Mary, and all the saints. "For those whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before, but they are now wherever we are, in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls." Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon them. May our loved ones rest in peace.

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