Sunday 15 November 2020

Scouting medals

I have worked with boys scouts and girl scouts most of my time in the USA. Since at this time of the liturgical year, we keep hearing the words ‘Be Prepared’, reminding us of the end of times, we also think of the Scouting Movement as this is actually their motto. I share with you today a special photo of patches and medals earned by Boy Scouts, and in particular, this one shows also the highest honor a Boy Scout can receive, the Eagle Award. It is the one on the right side, made of metal and three US colors, red, white, and blue, next to the Papal Medal of Pius XII, on the left pocket on the shirt. The other circular patches represent different projects that were accomplished by this boy scout, geography, orienteering, first-aid, camping, life-saving, rowing, hiking, navigation, cooking, etc. There is a very moving ceremony when the boy scout is awarded the Eagle Award medal, when they ask the mother of the boy to pin the medal, as she also receives a small medal, pinned by the leader of the troop.

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