Friday 20 November 2020

After Communion

Who came into my heart? God, the creator of Heaven and Earth. God all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving. God who knows everything. He knows me and still loves me, in spite of my shortcomings. He came to me, Son of Mary. My Savior. He who performed so many miracles. The best. The most beautiful. The most loved. He who rose from death triumphantly.

Who came into my heart? He came to me, miserable as I am, so poor in virtue. He came into my home, so small and poor. Under which form He came to me? He minimized Himself so that he can enter into my life. He came in the form of bread, to show that he wanted to sustain me and feed me. He came to me with great love, with great mercy, with a desire to love Him more.

Why did He come? To eliminate my pride, my egoism, my weakness. He came as a Master to show me the way to holiness. He came as a benefactor to enrich me with his graces. He came to me as Eucharist, meaning ‘giving thanks.’ Did I thank Him? Am I grateful for such a special gift? And how do I receive Him? With thanksgiving and with great admiration for His immense love for me. So I will offer Him a crown of roses – of praise, adoration, an act of faith, love, and hope. I will give Him a bunch of resolutions to be a better person, and continuous gratitude for so many blessings received.

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