Monday 21 October 2019

Anyone seen God?

A young boy once went to ask his older sister: “Hey sis, did anyone ever seen God?” She brushed him off by saying “Of course not, God lives so far away, somewhere up there, that no one can ever see Him!” The boy was left disappointed by did not give up. He went to ask his mother the same question and she kindly told him “My son, God is a spirit. He is in our hearts, but we cannot see Him in person.” The little boy was somewhat consoled by this, but the same question kept coming to his head. He was close to his grandfather, and once grandpa took the boy with him fishing. The sea was still, the sun was setting, the sky had turned from deep blue to orange and yellow. As they sat in the boat with hardly a ripple on the sea, the grandfather had forgotten the fishing rod and the fish jumping around him and stood up to admire the beauty around him. The boy was amazed at his grandpa’s face as it was lit up with an astonishingly bright light, reflecting the setting sun. At that moment the boy remembered that question and asked his grandpa, “Hey grandpa, have you ever seen God?” Grandpa did not move, but after a long silence, he uttered ever so softly, “My little boy, right now I am seeing nothing but God himself!”

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