Friday 18 October 2019

2008-2016 – My Chevy Equinox

Next to the Baker City Cathedral, where I spent 8 years.
This was my last car I had in the USA between Baker City and Bend in Oregon. It was very hard to part from it when I returned to Malta, as it was in pretty good shape and had great memories of some of my long trips which I started to do every year in early September. This way I was able to discover more of the northwest of the USA, from British Columbia to Northern California, from the Pacific Coast to Wyoming and Montana. I used to cover between 1,500 miles to over 2,000 within a 5-day trip, stopping a thousand times for photos. That was the real reason for my trips, to discover new territory and come back with lots of photos. I remember various trips, including one along the Oregon coast, one towards the Canadian Rockies, a range of mountains I could not see because it turned out to be a cloudy few days. I also headed east through the heart of Idaho, towards Yellowstone Park into Glacier National Park, reaching Missoula, and coming back through the scenic, desolate and meandering Lochsa River. I had only one disappointment through all my travels. I was given an unfair ticket in Pacific City on the Oregon coast.  The officer told me I had not slowed down at the zebra-crossing as a pedestrian wanted to cross. Well, I remember well that the person was a tourist just looking around and I did slow down as I was used to these crossings in my parish. I appealed the infraction and was given an online course on safety driving instead, and my license remained untarnished and unblemished. But all in all, the Equinox was an excellent car which I truly enjoyed. This was the only car that had a CD player instead of a cassette player, and so I always filled my car with plenty of CDs, especially on my long trips. The best music in the world was heard in that burgundy car, the same color as the Geo Metro. My last car tomorrow....

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