Two roads to choose (click to enlarge) |
We all know we’re on a journey – our destination is unknown and depends on the kind of lifestyle we choose to live. I saw this old picture was hanging in an old cemetery in Siggiewi, Malta, and describes precisely our ultimate choice. It is one of those pictures created to send a message without much wording or talk. They were popular over the years in the last 200 years or so. For people who were illiterate, they were the ideal visual to send a message with a meaningful lesson. The quote underneath in Italian and says: “Jesus, says: whoever wants to come with me, take up your cross and enter the kingdom of heaven. The devil says: whoever wants to follow me, keep on sinning and you’ll end up in hell.” The two gates seen in the picture are ours to choose, as the people on the bottom part seem to be enjoying themselves heading down under. The other group of people are climbing towards the pearly gates of Heaven, waiting for their eternal reward. The choice is ours to make.
Thanks ..i have been looking for this image a long time