Saturday 1 June 2024


Adjacent to a church in Malvern, Worcestershire, England there is a small cemetery, and among the tombstones, there is one that is always decorated with plants and flowers. A young girl was buried there, who is the daughter of famous scientist Charles Darwin, a biologist, geologist and naturalist. Anne Elizabeth got sick when her mother was pregnant with her 9th child. Charles decided to take his favorite daughter and travel to Malvern where there was a natural spa, with the hope that the waters would heal the little girl. However when they were there the girl died, probably of tuberculosis, and she was buried in a cemetery close by. She was only 10 years old. Charles Darwin was a devout family man, but he was an agnostic. But he entrusted his daughter to Jesus, as her tombstone shows, with the IHS engraved above her name. IHS is the acronym for the name of Jesus in Greek.

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