Tuesday 4 June 2024

The Cabbage Patch Doll

Little Maria was visiting her grandparents during the summer holidays. This was 1984, and one evening the grandparents were invited to a local event, mainly for adults, but they could not leave Maria alone at home. When they arrived, our little Maria’s eyes fell on a box with a Cabbage Patch Doll, which in 1984 were a very hot item. Of course her first sentence out of her mouth was ‘I want it, I want it!’ Grandma Sophie told her that she could not have it as it was going to be raffled off at the end of the show. Grandpa Bill decided to buy 5 tickets for the raffle, which included a few other items, a toy car, a transistor radio and some children’s books and outfits. Most of the people in the hall were elderly people, and of course the gifts were for their grandchildren. Granda Sophie told her that is she remained quiet, she may win it after all. Little Maria stayed quiet all through the performance. So at the end, the Master of Ceremonies announced the drawing of the raffle. Grandpa Bill prepared Maria for the disappointment awaiting her, as surely with hundreds of tickets in the urn, it was just impossible to get your ticket drawn out. Maria sat motionless with eyes tightly closed and her tiny hands clasped in prayer. As the MC announced the number, Grandpa Bill stood up in disbelief. Maria’s sudden burst of joy followed as she asked Grandpa ‘Who won?’ And his exuberant response brought tears to his eyes......’You won Maria! You won the dolly.’ Bill gave her the ticket and lifted her on stage to collect her treasured prize. She hugged that box and smiled, as the crowd gave her a thunderous applause. That scene reminded everyone present that when the odds are hopelessly stacked against you, a little faith and a simple prayer can make us winners. Maria went home with her Cabbage Patch Doll she treasured for the rest of her life.

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