Wednesday 19 June 2024

47th Anniversary

Our Class of 1977 just before our ordination.

With my classmates today we celebrate our 47th anniversary of ordination. All of us are now in Malta, except for two who are in heaven, two still serving as pastors, others semi-retired, while others still working at various positions and offices in the church in Malta. We spent 7 glorious years together at the Major Seminary, while studying at the University of Malta. Seminary life was very special to me, and living in a community was very rewarding and enriching. At one time we were close to 90 seminarians at various stages of the priesthood. Nowadays the numbers have dwindled to around 8, and vocations for the priesthood and religious life has become a major issue for the church in Malta. We met yesterday for a day-and-a-half retreat on the occasion of our anniversary, and today we will con-celebrate together in a chosen church, with our families in attendance. 

The quote I used for my Ordination holy card was from the first letter of St Peter: "Tend the flock of God in your midst, overseeing not by constraint but willingly, as God would have it, not for shameful profit, but eagerly" (1 Peter 5:2.) I offer my Mass today for the Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Spiritual Director and professors and teachers who taught us over the 7 years we spent together, most of whom have since passed away. I offer my Mass for my parents, brothers and sisters, nephews and relatives and friends in the parishes I served over the past 47 years, St Julian’s, (Malta,) New Hyde Park, Rocky Point, Hicksville, Pleasant Valley (all in New York) and John Day, Baker City and Bend (all in Oregon,) as well as my new friends at Hilltop Gardens, Simblija Carehome, and at Naxxar parish. I thank God for the blessings he gave me along with a few talents to use in my ministry, as I promise to continue to use them to the best of my ability.

With my family and relatives on June 19, 1977

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