Saturday 22 June 2024

Successful Men and Women

He is a successful man . . . .

- who lives well, laughs often and loves much,

- who has the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children,

- who is careful and devoted to his duties, and accomplishes his tasks properly,

- who leaves the world better than he has found it, whether by an improved poppy,

                      a perfect poem or a rescued soul,

- who never lacks appreciation of earth’s beauty or fails to express it,

- who always looks for the best in others, and gives the best he has,

- whose life is an inspiration, and whose memory is a blessing to those he leaves behind.

She is a successful woman . . . .

- who has an appreciation of the world around her,

- who has energy to devote both to work and play,

- who has the capacity to give of herself, and to accept graciously the gift of others,

- who has people she trusts and is trusted by, people she cares about who care about her,

- who has a zest for life, and feeling of kinship with all living things,

- who has the enthusiasm to welcome each new day with warmth and joy and love.

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