Tuesday 4 May 2021

Selling antlers

It is big business in Eastern Oregon! That is when someone goes searching for antlers in the mountains and then makes big money by selling them as this guy is doing. This photo was in my first Oregon parish in John Day, where people would set up shop on the main road and sell whatever they thought would be interesting to people. Most male deer drop their antlers annually while in the wild, and then the people would find them and use them for decorative purposes. Often a male deer is killed with antlers, and then the head is cut off  and taken to the taxidermist, where after doing all the necessary cleaning and disinfecting, the hunter mounts it on a plaque to be displayed proudly for years to come, usually in a living room. The more points on the antler the better, especially if you have both matching antlers, which would look similar. If they are not matching, they would sell nonetheless, and the antler seller would be happy with whatever he gets as a price. Tomorrow I will show you a clever way of using these antlers, and how durable they really are.

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