Thursday 26 October 2017

Let go! and let God!

If you want to be healthy morally, mentally and physically, just let go ! Let go of the little annoyances of everyday life, the irritations and the petty vexations that cross your path daily.
Don’t take them up, nurse them, pet them, and brood over them. They are not worth while. Let them go ! That little hurt you got from your friend. Perhaps it wasn’t intended, perhaps it was, never mind, let it go. Refuse to think about it.
Let go that feeling of hatred you have for another, the jealousy, the envy, the malice, let go all such thoughts.  Sweep them out of your mind, and you will be surprised what a cleansing and rejuvenated effect it will have upon you, both physically and mentally. Let them all go; give them to the Lord. He’ll take care of them.
But the big troubles, the bitter disappointments, the deep wrongs, and the heartbreaking sorrows, tragedies of life, what about them ?
Why, just let them go too. Drop them, softly maybe, but surely. Put away all regret and bitterness and let sorrow be only a softening influence. Yes, let them go, too, and make the most of the future.
Then, that little pet ailment you have been hanging on to and talking about, let it go too ! It will be good riddance. You have treated it royally, but abandon it: let it go ! Talk about health instead, and health will come.
It is not hard once you get used to the habit of it – letting go of these things. You will find it such an easy way to get rid of the things that embitter your life that you will enjoy letting them go. You will find the world such a beautiful place. You will find it beautiful because you will be free to enjoy it – free in mind and body.
Learn to let go. As you value health of body and peace of mind, – just simply let go ! The greatest factor in helping us to “Let go” is to see with the eye of faith that God permits. If we look at them in the light of eternity, we shall profit by them in this life and in the life to come.
LET GO ! LET GO ! Wise men adjust themselves to this universe over which God rules with infinite wisdom and love. It is the first condition of sanity to believe it. You can bank on God. Let go ! And let God take control.

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