Tuesday 3 October 2017

I Love Las Vegas

I’ve never been to Las Vegas, but once I did cross the border between Oregon and Nevada. It was beautiful country in Northern Nevada, and the only peculiar thing I remember is seeing a bunch of wild donkeys crossing the road in front of me, just as cows do so frequently in Oregon. Another cute story I heard about Las Vegas is about the Cathedral, dedicated to the Guardian Angel. When people attend church there on weekends, many of them, instead of putting money in the collection, they throw chips from their Casinos. Then on Monday morning, a monk goes around the Casinos and exchanges the chips for money.....and yes, they call him the chip-monk. It’s true.
But today my heart goes out to the Nevada people and possibly many from California and Arizona who last Sunday were happily gathered to attend a Country and Western concert, all in their cowboy boots and cowboy hats, enjoying an evening with friends. Then within a few minutes their lives were shattered by a senseless act of terror precipitated by a solitary gunman. Close to 60 people are dead so far and over 500 injured with gun-shot wounds. Countless families and individuals destroyed, others have their lives turned upside down, and may young holiday-makers, tourists and visitors see their lives go up in flames. Parents losing their children, children ending up orphans, and loved ones separated for ever by a cruel act of horrible evil.
My major recollection of driving through Nevada.
Let us pray for the victims, for the injured, for the survivors and those who helped the injured, for their families and friends. Let us pray for the people of Las Vegas, who now add their city to a list of towns and villages known and remembered for terrible tragedies, Colombine in Colorado, Sandy Hook in Connecticut, Orlando in Florida, San Bernardino in California, Aurora in Colorado, Virginia Tech in Virginia, Killeen in Texas, and others. May the Guardian Angel of each victim walk with them into their new heavenly home, precisely as they leave this earth in the feast of the Guardian Angel.

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