Thursday 24 June 2021

Birth of St. John the Baptist

Today the Catholic Church celebrates the birth of St. John the Baptist, and that is why we use the color white in our vestments. John is regarded as the last prophet of the Old Testament, while some refer to him as the first martyr of the New Testament, and we do have a commemoration of his martyrdom on August 29, but it’s his mysterious birth that is celebrated today, since Elizabeth his mother was advanced in age. John the Baptist as a prophet had a tough role to play - to point out the sins which were keeping the people from truly knowing, loving and serving God. He prepared the way of the Lord by calling people to lives of repentance. One particular aspect in John’s life is that he loved the desert, a quiet solitary life, even though people kept coming to him to be baptized.  This teaches us to find that special space for us to somehow create our own desert. This could be a hobby that you develop, to be alone for a while, away from cell-phones and other interruptions. This could be creating a nice meal for your family, learning a musical instrument, joining a choir, take a refreshing swim, a walk in the countryside, taking up photography, pick up a brush and try painting. I personally enjoy my desert space  in some of my hobbies that I learned by myself, and share the result with those around me, as I do with my flute playing, my PowerPoint talks, my watercoloring, photography and much more. May John the Baptist inspire you this year to create your desert and find the Lord there, waiting for you, to help you improve your spiritual life, and to steer away from clutter and distractions, while find peace and harmony, joy and calmness.

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