Sunday 3 January 2021

The Epiphany

Even though the liturgical celebration of the Epiphany will be on Sunday January 3, many countries still observe it on January 6th, which is also considered as the 12th day of Christmas. Many beautiful paintings have been produced over the centuries to depict this scene of Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar presenting the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the new-born Jesus. The gifts represent respectively the characteristics that Jesus had, as a King (gold,) as a God (frankincense,) and as a human being (myrrh.) The above painting is from the ceiling of St Mary's parish church in Ghaxaq, Malta, painted by Chev. Emvin Cremona, a Maltese painter and one of my favorite artists. The entire ceiling of the same church has other paintings representing scenes from the life of the Blessed Mother.  It was in the 4th Century that December 25 was finally adopted by the Western Christian Church as the date Christ's birth date. It is believed that this change in date gave rise to the tradition of the "12 Days of Christmas." While the Western Christian Church celebrates December 25th, the Eastern Christian Church to this day recognizes January 6 as the celebration of the nativity. January 6 is still considered in Italy and the Spanish countries as the day when the presents are open. Imagine these children having to look at the presents under the tree for 12 days and not being able to open them. In a way it makes sense to open gifts on the day Jesus received his 3 gifts from the Kings.

And speaking of threes, may I share with you some other precious values that come in 3:

Starting from the Trinity, God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

The three virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity.

3 values we aspire for: Peace, Honesty and Hope.

3 vices that destroy many a person: Anger, Pride and Jealousy.

3 lessons for a mature dialogue: sit down, listen, then talk.

3 riches for any Catholic: the Eucharist, Confession and Prayer.

3 people for a successful marriage: the husband, the wife, Jesus in their midst.

3 things which are never certain in life: success, dreams and fortune.

3 qualities that enrich every good person: sincerity, hard work and mercy.

3 things that make life priceless: love, forgiveness, honest friends.

3 phrases that strengthen every family: Thank you, I’m sorry, I love you.

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