Wednesday 10 July 2019

Our home - 30 years ago

This is the house where we grew up, even though only my younger brother was born here. We moved here in 1956 and my sister still lives there, besides myself, usually on Sunday afternoon till Monday morning. Our surroundings have changed dramatically since we moved here. We were surrounded by terraced fields, where we spent hours playing, building camps and playing hide and seek. The fields have been taken over by apartments and houses and other maisonettes, owned by young families, whose children are now grown up and married with children of their own. In fact, I hardly recognize anyone anymore from my years as assistant pastor here between 1977 and 1981. 
My mother and father took great care of our house, and you can see some shots of our living room, which was usually opened when we had visitors. That's the custom in Malta, although nowadays it's open all the time. My room is still the same as is in the picture of 30 years ago. And my sister still spends most of her time in the kitchen, washing, and cleaning while I do most of the cooking. And all the items are just about the same way you see them in the photos. As if life stood still, with the exception that we are all 30 years older.

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