Saturday 13 July 2019

How did Jesus spend his summers?

Summer is the only season that Jesus mentions in the Gospels: “Look at the fig tree. When you see them blossoming, you say that summer is near.” But we wonder how did Jesus spend the hot summer months? Granted that it most probably wasn’t as hot as it is nowadays, with all this global warming. I’m sure he would spend time on a boat with the apostles, possibly fishing. Maybe even swimming in the lake of Galilee, or a walk or a jog in the early morning hours? Would he have organized an occasional bar-b-q as he had suggested when they caught a large haul of fish? He would probably spend time playing with the children, and visiting the elderly and the sick. Visits to his friends Martha, Mary and Lazarus were probably more frequent than we think. We wonder if he would spend time looking up to the stars until he dozed off in the evening hours. Would he climb a nearby hill to watch a spectacular sunset, or see the sheep gathering in their fold? Jesus would have noticed the flow and the cycle of nature to use more stories and analogies in his many parables. He too needed some time to re-charge his batteries and rest a little bit.

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