Thursday 11 April 2019

From Joy to Suffering

From the joys of childhood to the sorrows of adulthood.
I took this picture to contrast the joy and sorrow that Mary felt at the beginning and the end of her life, or more accurately Jesus’ life. The two statues are in the parish church of Naxxar where I celebrate Mass every Sunday morning. The younger Mary in the background is the statue that represents a young Mary, called Maria Bambina, and is carried in procession every year on September 8. The statue of the sorrowful mother in the foreground is one of the statues that is carried in procession on Good Friday as well as tomorrow, the devotional feast of the Sorrowful Mother. One can see in this photo both the joy of a young Mary and the sorrow of the mournful mother weeping under the cross. May the memories of the joy of our childhood overcome the sorrows and sadness we experience in our adulthood. May the Blessed Mother keep her eyes on our families, our country and all our friends around the world.

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