Saturday 3 February 2018

When you weren’t looking

We tend to take our children for granted, especially when adults are talking among themselves with children around. But children are very perceptive and they notice much more than we think. Here is an 10 year old girl who wrote this to her mother:
Mother dear, when you weren’t looking.....
  • I saw you hanging my first painting on the refrigerator door, and at that moment I wished I could paint a masterpiece for you......
  • I saw you feed that stray cat that came by our house yesterday, and you taught me that we should always be kind to animals.......
  • I saw you bake a delicious cake for me, and I learned how special nice compliments can be......
  • I saw you prepare a meal for your sick friend down the road, and I learned to always help those in need......
  • I saw you meticulously clean our house, and I also learned that I should take care of everything that I have in my possession......
  • I saw you play with and hang out with us even though you did not feel well, and I realized how important it is for me to be responsible when I grow up......
  • I saw those tears trickling down your cheeks, and I learned that sometimes in life we have to face situations that upset us and hurt us.....
  • I heard you praying while you were dusting the furniture, and so I learned that we can talk to God whenever we like it....
  • Thank you, dearest mother for what I saw you do when you weren’t looking, and when I thought I did not notice the small things you do for me.

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