Friday 22 July 2016

Fill us with your Mercy

Let the tender touch of your mercy, Lord, probe the secrets of our hearts and lead our hearts to yours, in peace.
Let the perfect patience of your mercy, Lord, make us slow to judge our neighbor and quick to forgive those who offend us.
Let the wisdom of your mercy, Lord, guide our thoughts and plans and shape our hopes and dreams.
Let the healing of your mercy, Lord, bind our wounds and hurts and mend our broken lives.
Let the kindness of your mercy, Lord, shape the ties that make us one and the bond that makes us strong.
Let the fidelity of your mercy, Lord, help us teach the faith we have received and find the faith we need.
Let the constancy of your mercy, Lord, keep us faithful to your word and to the teachings of our church.
Let the depth of your mercy, Lord, resound within our hearts and in every word we speak. Amen.

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