Wednesday 20 July 2016

Maltese paintings in churches

Death of St Joseph by  Anton Inglott
We look today at some of the magnificent paintings in Maltese churches, which are visible all year long, on ceilings, apses, side altars and just about wherever there is an open space. However during festa week, and especially during the time when the procession is going on in the streets of the respective village, the church is on full display and the paintings are well lit, which allows any photographer to feast in their glory, as I did. 
The Marriage of Joseph and Mary by Emvin Cremona
These paintings are by Maltese artists, especially in this church of Msida, by Emvin Cremona and Anton Inglott. The first one shows the death of St Joseph by Inglott, placed in the main apse, while the others are by Cremona in the ceiling and on the sides, as well as a dome painting in the Balzan church. Inglott died very young and did not leave many works, but Cremona was more prolific and I have a huge collection of photos of just about every religious painting he did. 
'St Paul' around the dome, by Emvin Cremona

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