Monday 27 May 2024

Newspapers and magazines

This photo is probably from 1984, 40 years ago, when newspaper posters were displayed, and when newspapers were read on paper, with many people lining up to buy a copy. The number of magazines available was pretty large at that time as you can see from the display of this photo. I’m sure as you travel, you stop by those magazine stores at the airport and you can find all kinds of titles and subjects. But as we all know the age of paper news is slowly coming to an end. I don’t have exact statistics, but the one that I recently read shows that only 7% of the population presently still read the news from a paper newspaper. Which means that 93% get their news online, through the Internet. Most of the magazines are also going online, although a limited number are still published on glossy paper. I personally write every 2 weeks in a Catholic newspaper here in Malta, something I’ve been doing since 1986, and the ‘Leħen is-Sewwa’ (the Voice of Truth) is approaching its centennial in 2028, as I’ve been praying it survives at least until that year. Unfortunately this newspaper, published on weekends is not online, and the newspaper is sent by mail, and available at certain newsagents. With our lifestyle changing dramatically every day, we have no idea what life is going to be like in about 10 years, 20 years from now. But at least I am happy that you can read my blog daily by a click of a mouse, or a slide of your finger on your cell-phone or IPad.

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