Tuesday 14 May 2024

Floral Display

Once a year, in a big square in Valletta, they create a veritable garden, usually with flowers that paint a special design to be admired for a couple of weeks. This year the highlight was on plants, outdoor plants, shrubs, trees that created quiet a lush forest which contrasts so much with the dryness and lack of moisture we experience here in Malta. The garden features an impressive 62 mature trees, 5,000 shrubs and bushes, 13,000 flowering potted plants, and two ponds. Some of the trees reach heights of up to three meters and consist of a diverse selection of Mediterranean varieties such as Carob, Cypress, Canfora, Oleander, and Olive trees, many of which are between 60 and 80 years old. Circling all the plants were a large number of petunias, pretty colorful as you can see from these photos.

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