Friday 24 May 2024

Another Rockwell classic

Here’s another funny poster from Norman Rockwell as it depicts a typical scene in urban America of the 1940s. The Pepies truck seems to have been stuck in a narrow alley. But besides the narrowness of the alley, there seems to be another problem as everyone was screaming to the lorry driver to stop, because a tiny dog, possibly a Pug, stood in the middle of the road, obstructing the road. People hanging from the windows, perched from balconies, yelling at the driver or his assistant to calmly bring the dog to the side, or even tease him with a piece of dog-biscuit. Norman Rockwell lived between 1894 and 1978, born in New York City and dying in Massachusetts where he spent a big chunk of his life. I remember once visiting a museum with some of his paintings and posters in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Rockwell was a prolific artist, producing more than 4,000 original works in his lifetime. Most of his surviving works are in public collections. Rockwell was also commissioned to illustrate more than 40 books, and to paint portraits of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon.

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