Tuesday 7 May 2024

Ecological notice

A huge mango tree in India had this notice attached to its trunk:
I warm your house because I provide you with logs and timber to heat your fireplace and the entire house.
I create for you an area in shade enough to shelter you from the sweltering sun and its rays.
I can give you mouth-watering fruit that will quench your thirst and envigorate you.
I can also provide you with enough wood for you to craft tables, windows, doors and furniture.
If you ever want to sail the oceans, I can give you enough wood for you to build a boat and venture into the ocean.
And to accompany you till the end, I can have the material available for a coffin so that your family can give you a decent burial.
Let us all appreciate nature and ecology, and show gratitude for all the blessings we receive from a simple tree. Truly, nature has blessed us over the years with enough wood to craft and sculpture some precious and valuable works of art, displayed for everyone to see in churches and museums and other buildings. 

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