Friday 12 May 2023

Our more

The entrance to our home, decorated for Christmas

I share with you today some nostalgic photos of our home in St. Julian’s, where we all grew up since 1956, when our parents bought it. Actually it was rented and when my sister died a year ago, we lost our home too. It has many memories for us as we were growing up, playing church, being fed with plenty of great meals, Christmas cakes, Easter figolli, having a black and white TV since 1958, having a telephone, and seeing neighbors coming to call for doctors in emergencies. 

One of my fondest memories is playing soccer with a white ball of yarn in our parents’ bedroom. It was perfect set up because we had two doors which we used as goal posts. That poor ball of yarn turned grey after a few months, which bewildered my mother. However taking off a few layers of dusty yarn, it turned white again. My dad used to build a very pastoral presepio for Christmas, the entire town of Bethlehem. We never went to sleep without saying the Rosary, complete with the Litany in Latin, which my father knew by heart. 

It was sad parting from our home, and even seeing it being changed, as I heard through the grapevine into a hostel for youth. My mother especially took great pride in decorating it with curtains and nice furnishings, while my father painted the entire house every few years. Most importantly it was a home founded on love and respect for each other.

A photo in my room, probably around 1989.

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