Sunday 3 October 2021

A masterpiece discovered by chewing gum

This painting representing the Immaculate Conception, produced in 1661 by Francisco de Zurbaran, almost fell into oblivion. It sits discreetly in a recess of the church of Saint Gervais-Saint Protais, in Langon, a small town in southwestern France. The work was painted in the last years of the painter’s life, and has as its subject the Virgin Mary at the moment of the Assumption, praying, wrapped in a blue cape billowing in the air which seems to push her towards heaven. Just like Esteban Murillo, Zurbaran painted several canvases representing the Immaculate Conception. One of them is kept at the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, two others at the Prado Museum, and others in a church in Seville and one in the diocesan museum of Sigüenza, also in Spain. Interestingly, this painting’s location was unknown for years. It was discovered in the sacristy of Saint Gervais in 1966 by Fr. Ferbos, the parish priest. The official story is that the priest discovered the painting hanging high in the sacristy, covered with dust and pigeon droppings. However, the description posted inside the church tells a much more entertaining story. The canvas had been covered with paint to prevent thieves from stealing it, and its true identity and value had been forgotten. Children taking catechism class had used the painting as target for their chewing gum. After it had been hit many times, presumably the weight of the gum on the extra layer of paint made it peel off, and the masterpiece was revealed. The painting was originally donated to the city of Langon in 1863 by Emile Pereire, and was classified as a historical monument on March 5, 1969.

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