Wednesday 18 March 2020

The secret of success

Many people who are successful in the eyes of others complain that they are still unfulfilled, still unhappy. Belgium’s Cardinal Desire Mercier (1851-1926) once offered the following advice:
I will reveal to you a secret of sanctity and of happiness: if every day, during 5 minutes, you are able to quiet your imagination, to close your eyes to the things of the senses and your ears to the rumors of the earth, to enter within your self, and there, in the sanctuary of your soul, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, thus to speak to this Divine Spirit: “Holy Spirit, Soul of my Soul, I adore you. Guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what to do, give me your orders. And I promise to submit to whatever you desire of me, and to accept everything you allow to happen to me. Let only know your will be done.” If you do this, your life will flow happily, serene and consoled, even in the midst of pain, for grace will be proportioned to the trial, giving you the strength to bear it; and loaded with merits, you will reach the gates of Paradise.

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