Sunday 22 March 2020

Seeing God

The man born blind healed by Jesus today inspires us to search for God in our lives, just as the man longed to be able to see. The miracle puts in focus the gift of foresight and how we perceive things through the eyes of faith. Many of us are thankful that we can see, but our vision is often blurred by spiritual cataracts that we let form in our eyes. We let consumerism, corruption, infidelity, laziness hate, jealousy, gossip, and other vices dominate our lives. Once these obstructions are removed from our eyes, then we can truly see God work wonders through us. We have to first remove the cobwebs and filth and all other trash from our lives, and then we can see the presence of God in this world. The man born blind reached out to Jesus because he wanted to see the beauty around him, the colors, his parents, nature, animals, beautiful scenery and his friends. May we reach out to Jesus ourselves and yearn to see all the goodness that still is around us. Our eyes of faith will help us reconnect with the Almighty. Let us promise to remain faithful to our God and our faith, and see the present pandemic situation as an eye-opener to persevere and hope and pray, as the entire world is doing right now. But let us not become complacent when things start getting back to normal.

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