Saturday 30 September 2017

What one person can do

My child, I’ve often heard your question. Now this message is my answer.
You’re concerned about the hungry in the world, millions who are starving....and you ask “What can I do?”  - Feed One!
You grieve for all the unborn children murdered every day....and you ask “What can I do?”  - Save one!
You’re haunted by the homeless poor who wander city streets,.....and you ask “What can I do?”  - Shelter one!
You feel compassion for those who suffer pain, sorrow and despair,....and you ask “What can I do?” – Comfort one!
Your heart goes out to the lonely, the abused and the imprisoned,.....and you ask “What can I do?”  - Love one!

Remember this my child....two thousand years ago the world was filled with those in need, just as it is today, and when the helpless and the hopeless called out to me for mercy, I sent a Savior. Hope began with only one!

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