Monday 26 June 2017

Let's wear his sandals!

We all love to talk about others. And frequently we criticize them too. We pass judgment very easily on them, and we invariably mention their faults, unless they're dead. When a person dies, then we heap accolades and praises and we almost want to canonize them. But before we talk about others, let us first put on our feet their shoes or sandals. Let’s walk the same path that the person we talk about, has walked. Let us review the conditions in which they have lived. In all humility we have to see what we would have done if we were wearing those same sandals, instead of rushing to quick conclusions. The Indian proverb says: “Never judge another person unless you have first walked one mile in his moccasins...or sandals.” Let us therefore refrain from passing any negative comments about others, because we don’t have any idea what they may be going through. Just as we don’t want anyone criticizing us for anything we are experiencing. So put on those sandals in this summer heat, but also, put on someone else’s sandals too, before passing judgment. Yes, let's wear his or her sandals, and then we can feel what they are actually feeling. We can then empathize with them, especially if they are hurting.

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