Sunday 24 December 2023

My parents’ masterpiece

Over the years my parents have always decorated our home with Christmas symbols, including a large presepio, a Nativity display that my father created for us, the whole town of Bethlehem. They also set up a canopy with baby Jesus and two angels in the entrance of our house, something which I refer to as a masterpiece, because they put so much love and attention to it. The above photo shows my parents next to it, back in the 1990s. 

Surrounding baby Jesus are pots of grown vetch, a seed that grows very white, as long as it is grown in the dark. It is usually planted in early December and watered every few days, until a few days before Christmas. It may look similar to alfalfa, but it’s used frequently by many families and churches for the Christmas season. The presepio my father used to create was another masterpiece with beautiful figures from Italy. All I have left of these two memories are these photos which I share with you today.

The presepio my father used to create for us every Christmas
The entire entrance to our old home

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a Merry Christmas from Baker City where you are fondly remembered.
