Wednesday 20 April 2022

Two Doves

I always knew that my mother and my sister Josephine were very close. She was the first born, and stayed together until my mother passed away in 2010, besides my father passing away in 2002. The coincidence of their deaths was very striking as you can read from yesterday’s post from my homily. But I kept thinking about the two doves that appeared out of nowhere while I was waiting for the bus to go to say Mass at my chapel a day earlier. Now you have to understand that pigeons are very common in Malta, and like everywhere else, they make a mess, but white doves are not common, possibly even rare to see. In anticipation of the funeral Mass, I was concerned that everything would go well and that we can give Josephine the tribute that she deserved. So when the doves descended next to me and kept moving around my feet, I felt that was a message from heaven that everything will go well, as it actually did, with a nice crowd in attendance, and everyone appreciating the entire service. God speaks to us in very surprising and unexpected ways, and the two doves surely drove home the point that they are both watching over us.

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