Sunday 28 March 2021

Palm Sunday

It’s a different Palm Sunday celebration this year with many churches still not fully operational, and especially in Malta with a total lockdown and churches closed to people, unless they can watch proceedings from TV Masses which are shown frequently from many churches. My many happy memories of Palm Sunday before 2016 recalls the presence of donkeys in my 3 parishes I served in Oregon.  The donkey carried Jesus on his back as he enters triumphantly in Jerusalem, eventually for the Passover meal and his trial, passion and death. As some people chanted ‘Hosanna, Hosanna,’ another section of the crowd would shout ‘Crucify Him, Crucify Him!’ in a few days. Let us prepare ourselves for this Holy Week by welcoming Him into our hearts and homes. Even though we are asked to keep social distancing among ourselves, we can make an exception to Jesus, and greet Him cordially as our special Guest at every meal we share, and as our silent Listener to each conversation we are involved in. May He bring peace and harmony and peace within our families, may He instil a sense of prayerfulness in our daily lives, and may He be a true inspiration to get to know Him more clearly, to follow Him more nearly and to love Him ever more dearly. Hosanna to our King.

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