Sunday 12 April 2020

He is Risen – Alleluia

Resurrection by Perugino
The Resurrection of Jesus is another proof that God is truly present in our midst and can bring so much good out of evil. His resurrection from the dead is a clear evidence of this. But there are other proofs.
The Risen Christ can inspire a life of prayer to whoever is looking for a new direction in life.
The Risen Christ can give patience to whoever is always nervous and anxious about the future.
The Risen Christ can bring joy to those who have somehow forgot how to smile.
The Risen Christ gives a beautiful baby to that woman who a few days earlier was premeditating an abortion.
The Risen Christ can enlighten those who were living in darkness.
The Risen Christ instils hopeful promise to that couple who were thinking of separating.
The Risen Christ brings hope to those on the verge of desperation.
The Risen Christ can bring peace in a world tormented by violence and oppression, conflicts and wars.
The Risen Christ can plant a seed of Love and Reconciliation in the heart of those planning revenge and retaliation.
The Risen Christ brings a sense of optimism in a world tortured by pessimism.
We hope and pray that the Risen Christ will bring healing to a world tormented by an invisible virus, only if we can make Him more visible in our lives and with our actions.
A Blessed Easter to all visitors of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter to you Father Julian! Much love from Oregon!
