Friday 3 January 2020

To Heaven

St Cyprian, a bishop who lived in the 3rd century gives us this beautiful description of heaven: ”There are many people waiting for us, parents, siblings, children, grandparents, a large and numerous crowd waiting eagerly for us. Since they are assured of their immortality, they are anxious to see us get there too, to reach heaven and embrace them lovingly. How great will be their joy and ours too! They will be in the glorious company of the apostles, the happy assembly of the prophets, the countless family of martyrs crowned for their victories after struggling through many battles. There are the virgins triumphant over their chastity, after successfully controlling the desires of their bodies. There are those who received their reward for helping the poor and doing acts of mercy. There are those who listened to the Lord and replaced their material wealth with treasures from heaven. Let’s hurry to meet them all. Let us hope to be with them soon, and therefore be with Jesus as soon as possible,”

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