Wednesday 18 December 2019

Christmas Joy

 This is time to receive Joy, but also time to share it, certainly not to keep it to yourself.
- Christmas Joy is in the fact that you can make people forget about the past with a present.
- Christmas Joy is seeing our children singing their hearts out during their Christmas program.
- Christmas Joy is reading a message from a young girl that all she wants for Christmas is “some time from daddy to stay at home with us.”
- Christmas Joy is seeing people checking my blog every morning, and informing me that I was late when I did not post my daily entry by 9 AM.
- Christmas Joy is sharing a reflection every day, especially sharing memories of how other people celebrate Christmas.
- Christmas joy is when I receive e-mails from our college students, especially after I share with them some photos of Malta.
- Christmas Joy is seeing a very attentive congregation every time I preach and when I celebrate Mass.
- Christmas Joy is seeing more people giving me CDs to burn them my collection of Christmas music or photos.
- Christmas Joy is seeing long lines of people coming for confession.
- Christmas Joy is hearing someone tell me “Thanks Father for praying for me - the doctor says I’m gonna be fine.”
- Christmas Joy is seeing all children on their best behavior, and their behavior gets even nicer the closer we come to Christmas.
- Christmas Joy is being able to smile, hold a warm hand, hug a friend and be happy that you lived through another year.
- Christmas Joy is visiting beautiful churches and nativities as so many craftsmen and aficionados create their own presepio, as visitors admire their work, being exhibited during the Christmas season.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Father. I am writing from Roseville, CA. By a strange combination of circumstances I came across your blog this morning. I am a Christian author/painter. I was looking for a good image to use as an inspiration for a Mary & Elizabeth encounter in my weekly sermon field guide and arrived here. Several years ago my brother called me from a rooftop in Malta and described to me the beautiful pebbly beaches there. I have been musing on the thrill of being part of the body of Christ and carrying the same joy of knowing the grace and love of Jesus. Merry Christmas to you. In Christ we have much to fix our hopes upon.
