Monday 16 December 2019

Boris, Donald and the rest

I never write posts on politics, but I could not resist this one after seeing this funny cartoon in ‘The Economist.’ It shows two leaders who had their share of ups and downs, Donald Trump, the US President who is about to be impeached, and Boris Johnson who just won an election as the British Prime Minister, ready to exit the European Union. However, there are other leaders who are in turmoil or rejoicing in exuberance. For example, while Netanyahu is still trying to form a government in Israel, Finland just elected a fairly young female Prime Minister. On the other hand, right here in Malta, we are going through a hectic time with stories of corruption, which led to the Prime Minister to resign, besides other ministers and a chief-of-staff also resigning, as investigations about the murder of a well-known journalist are undergoing in court. These stories have dominated the news throughout most of November and still ongoing as we approach Christmas, with some severe repercussions on the economy as people are afraid of venturing out to shop, while daily protests dominate and obstruct the entrance to the capital city, Valletta. Add to this the volcanic eruption in New Zealand, devastating fires in Australia, floods in Venice and other parts of the world, making it an almost catastrophic end-of-the-year scenario. But I hope at least I brought a temporary smile on your face as you look at Twitterdum and Twaddledee.

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