Thursday 28 November 2019

In Gratitude

We give thanks today for the many blessings God sends our way, sometimes without even noticing them.
Thank you for our parents, who through the love they showed to each other, we were born, and so far we’ve lived a long healthy life.
Thank you for the innocence of our children, for the enthusiasm of our youth, for the wisdom and experience of our seniors.
Thank you for the love we see in healthy marriages, and the couples who through sacrifice and commitment, they continue to cherish the sacrament that joined them together.
Thank you for our beautiful churches, for the faith we express through our Christian behavior, and for our participation in our Masses and liturgies and celebrations.
Thank you for our schools that form the future citizens of our country, for stores, companies, and offices, and for those who take care of our daily needs.
Thank you for the many volunteers who help whenever there is an accident, for the generosity that people show in emergencies and for humanitarian reasons.
Thank you for social media which we constantly use, but let us remember that we can still communicate with each other by talking face to face.
Thank you for the beauty of nature, sunrises and sunsets, mountains and rivers, the animals that keep us company and those who survive in the wild, for colorful birds and fish, and for the flowers that embellish our gardens.
Thank you for the health we enjoy, and all those who help us in our medical needs, doctors, nurses and carers, and family members who visit the elderly and always worry about them.
Thank you Lord for my priestly vocation, so that I could serve my people for 43 years, both in Malta and the USA.
Thank you Lord, for providing for us everything we need, and that You keep us alive.

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