Monday 4 March 2019

Pope Francis’ 10 rules for happiness

Our beloved Pope Francis gives us 10 suggestions for us to experience true happiness:
1. Be happy with your life and let others live.
2. Give yourselves to others.
3. Be humble.
4. Play with children and give them precious time.
5. Dedicate your Sundays to your family.
6. Whenever you can, help young people to find work.
7. Protect and love the environment and nature.
8. Do not complain and don’t be negative.
9. Respect the opinion of others.
10. Search for and work for peace.

1 comment:

  1. mehdi mountather9 February 2020 at 06:03

    Coronavirus punishment of ALLAH. Pope Francis For non Muslims to convert to Islam and Muslims to apply the Quran 100% in the world on 9.2.2020 to avoid death by Coronavirus viruses fires earthquake more 6 tsunami volcano floods tornadoes lightning snowstorm avalanche meteorite rumble if the end of the world to avoid hell.
    Coronavirus punition d’ ALLAH. Pape François aux non musulmans de se convertir a l’islam et aux musulmans d’appliquer le Coran a 100% dans le monde le 9.2.2020 pour éviter la mort par Coronavirus les virus les incendies séisme plus 6 tsunami volcan les inondations les tornades les foudres tempête de neige avalanche météorite grondement si la fin du monde pour éviter l’enfer.
