Monday 12 September 2016

Grace before meals - part 2

Since we have two big feasts tomorrow and Thursday, I thought of giving you the rest of the Meal Graces today, You can use these prayers daily before you share a meal with your family:
Generous God, we give You thanks for this food, and for all the good things You have given us. Help us to remember those who are hungry tonight. Teach us how we can help all those who are in need, especially people living in poorer countries. Give us enough moisture and rain to grow our crops. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Blessed are you, Lord our God. You made the land and the sea, the sun and the rain. You brought forth this food from nature’s bounty to our table. We thank You for the farmers who grew it, and for many people who brought it from the fields to the factories and supermarkets.And we thank You for (name) who cooked it for us. Amen.

Loving God, as we come to the end of another week of work and school, we thank You for Your friendship and ask Your forgiveness for our failings. Help us to be more like Jesus who showed us His love on the Cross. And make us grateful for all your gifts and for this meal. Amen.


Lord Jesus, You are with us always in our chores and in our play, in what we do together and when we are apart. Help us to grow in love as a family and to be a sign of Your presence to our friends and neighbors. Thank You for this food, for this day, and for all the blessings we receive from you.

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